Add new e-Voucher

This process enables you to set up new e-Voucher payments to your designated Carer(s).

Step 1 of 3 (Payment Details)

Enter the following information for one off payments:

  • Payment type: select ‘One Off’ from the list
  • Amount: the value (in pounds) of each voucher you wish to order
  • Carer: select the Carer in question from the list
  • Child: select the Child in question from the list
  • Reference: Provide a reference of your choosing; this will appear on the remittance advice
  • Payment schedule: Select whether to make the payment immediately or schedule it for a later date; if selecting the latter option, provide the payment date

Enter the following information for recurring payments:

  • Payment type: select ‘Recurring’ from the list
  • Amount: the value (in pounds) of each voucher you wish to order
  • Frequency: how often you wish to make the payments – weekly, fortnightly, 4 weekly or monthly
  • First payment: the date on which the first payment is to be made
  • Number of remaining payments: the number of remaining payments to be made
  • Carer: select the Carer in question from the list
  • Child: select the Child in question from the list
  • Reference: Provide a reference of your choosing; this will appear on the remittance advice

Step 2 of 3 (Confirm)

This page shows the details of the payment you wish to make. Provided that these are correct, click ‘Confirm’.

Step 3 of 3 (Complete)

This screen confirms that the payment has been set up. Click ‘New auto-payment’ to create another payment or ‘Home’ if there are no more payments to be set up.